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Download Wusik Eve For Mac

takoveco1972 2020. 9. 3. 22:00

Changes for Wusik EVE V3.0.1
(both Windows VST and MAC VST/AU versions)
* Fixed: ARP not working on some patches.
* Fixed: a few internal stability problems.
* Changed: no longer display the WusikSND picture file, but the waveform instead.
Changes for Wusik EVE V3.0.0
(both Windows VST and MAC VST/AU versions)
* Added: Stereo and Mono WusikSND Support
* Added: 32 and 16 bits WusikSND Support. Plus, the 16 bit files will use 16 bit buffers but 32 bit processing, therefore, the same audio-quality but with half the memory usage.
* Added: Quality option with up to 16 times Oversampling
* Added: Integrated ARP with several options.
* Added: User-Skinable option via BMP files. (no resizing)
* Added: One shot sounds: once a sample is done playing, it releases the voice (eg: drum sounds)
* Added: The preset browser on the right now let you browse banks and sounds too, with no limitations of sub-folders and file-name lengths.
* Added: The preset browser now has the following options for presets: copy, paste, move up, move down, init, remove and rename.
* Added: Master Vibrato ('V' knob next to Fine-Tune - On by default) Assigned to both Mod-Wheel and Aftertouch, but Aftertouch has priority, so if your keyboard has this function, it disables the Mod-Wheel for the Master Vibrato.
* Added: Option to Bypass all Effects. (global menu)
* Updated: Midi-Learn now supports Aftertouch.
* Updated: Improved Pitch-Bend. (Smooth)
* Fixed: audio problem with short waveforms (eg: pure sine)

Wusik has announced the release of version 3.0 of EVE - Electronic Vintage Ensemble (actually v3.0.1 is already available). It is available now for Windows (VST) and Mac OS X (VST/AU).

  1. Tell your friends: FREE copy of Wusik EVE (Mac/Win 32 bits) That’s right, now you can tell your friends that they can get a free copy of this great synth. Just visit our Facebook page and look for the promotional picture.
  2. Wusik.com EVE2 VSTi 2.5.1 Incl Mellotronix (PC/MAC) EVE stands for Electronic Vintage Ensemble, which suggests the design philosophy behind the instrument. EVE was made to recreate in the virtual world of softsynths the exciting and immediate experience of the early age of electronics in pop, rock and jazz music from the 1960’s and 1970’s.

Both Full and Demo now comes with a complete library of sounds. The new Xenos Soundworks, the old Famous Keys sets 1, 2, 3 and 4 (LoFi Retro Sounds), and the Mellotronix, Zvon and the DBear Genesis sets.

Download Wusik Eve For Mac

Wusik EVE has been a great plugin for quick sound creation, with a simpler interface, when compared to Wusik Station and Wusik 8008. But sadly it has been forgotten in time and never got a.

Download Wusik Eve For Mac

Eve For Mac

The upgrade is $39.95 for owners of any earlier version. You can also participate on Wusik's current Group-Buy where you will receive Wusik EVE V3 Full and other extras.


Changes in EVE v3.0:

  • Added: Stereo and Mono WusikSND Support.
  • Added: 32 and 16 bits WusikSND Support. Plus, the 16 bit files will use 16 bit buffers but 32 bit processing, therefore, the same audio-quality but with half the memory usage.
  • Added: Quality option with up to 16 times Oversampling.
  • Added: Integrated ARP with several options.
  • Added: User-Skinable option via BMP files. (no resizing).
  • Added: One shot sounds: once a sample is done playing, it releases the voice (e.g. drum sounds).
  • Added: The preset browser on the right now let you browse banks and sounds too, with no limitations of sub-folders and file-name lengths.
  • Added: The preset browser now has the following options for presets: copy, paste, move up, move down, init, remove and rename.
  • Added: Master Vibrato ('V' knob next to Fine-Tune - On by default) Assigned to both Mod-Wheel and Aftertouch, but Aftertouch has priority, so if your keyboard has this function, it disables the Mod-Wheel for the Master Vibrato.
  • Added: Option to Bypass all Effects. (global menu).
  • Updated: MIDI-Learn now supports Aftertouch.
  • Updated: Improved Pitch-Bend. (Smooth).
  • Fixed: audio problem with short waveforms (e.g. pure sine).

Changes in EVE v3.0.1:


  • Fixed: ARP not working on some patches.
  • Fixed: a few internal stability problems.
  • Changed: no longer display the WusikSND picture file, but the waveform instead.