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Aurora is a powerful 32 bit compiler featuring an integrated development environment with advanced compiler, assembler and linker. Aurora features a C/C++ like syntax with high level commands making it ideal for students and advanced programmers alike. Assembler for Atmel ATtiny/ATmega microcontrollers. Tavrasm is a command-line tool, original source code can be downloaded from It is recommended.
revava is a single pass disassembler that reads in a file containing a program intended for an Atmel AVR microcontroller and outputs assembly code that can be input to an avr assembler. The output of revava contains assembler mnemonics where possible and dc.W declarations where no mnemonic.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 25.6 KB | Download (325): revava Download |
atmelprog is an Atmel AT89Cx051 microcontroller programmer (device schematics included). atmelprog allows writing and erasing flash, as well as verification of data written.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 59.39 KB | Download (138): atmelprog Download |
IMAVR is Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC chip emulator for UNIX. You can run your code before programming to chip. Embedded simple debugger and disassembler. Emulate wide range of AVR chip, wide range of their modules: EEPROM,USART, timers and so on.
Platforms: Mac, BSD, Linux
Browse the sounds at lightning speed, and assign loops to the pads with a single click; sample, resample and beat creation in a collaborative environment. Geist does difficult tasks with multiple applications a thing of the past.FXpansion Geist Free works as a plugin and as a standalone program, great for creating bits. Fxpansion Geist 2 Crack v2.1.2.10 STANDALONE, VSTi Free DownloadGeist 2 Crack is a new generation drum machine from FXpansion for sampling, designed to create advanced beats and grooves, freeing you from the limitations of pre-packaged loops and ultra-sophisticated DAWs.Geist melts creative instrument samples with fast step sequencing and arrangement. Exporting created audio clips or loading back to the resample plugin, reverse part, remix, rebuilds, and transforms your beats in a new way. Geist is a complete, integrated rhythm production station for the studio!
License: Freeware | Size: 296.57 KB | Download (31): Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC emulator for UNIX Download |

ATmon is a bootloader and monitor tool for the Atmel ATmega32 microcontroller.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
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License: Freeware | Size: 682.72 KB | Download (29): ATmon Download |
Graphical Microcontroller Programming (GMP) is an expert-in-a-box solution which provides an intuitive user interface giving non-professionals the chance to easily create microcontroller programs by graphical means. Vienna University of Technology.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux
License: Freeware | Size: 329.34 KB | Download (36): Graphical Microcontroller Programming Download |
8-bit AVR microcontrollers are getting more and more popular chips for many proposal. They utilise the AVR RISC Architecture, have more than one hundred instructions, most of them executes at single clock cycle. They have also nice peripheral devices like 8/16 bit timer, analogue comparator, PWM,.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix, C/C++, BSD Solaris
License: Freeware | Download (59): ATMEL AVR Simulator Download |
amforth is an interactive and extendable command interpreter for the Atmel AVR8 Atmega microcontroller family. It features a simple turnkey-solution for embedded use as well. The command language is FORTH. amforth implements an almost compatible ANS94 indirect threading 16bit Forth with very few.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 1.47 MB | Download (17): amforth Download |
AVR Libc is a Free Software project whose goal is to provide a high quality C library for use with GCC on Atmel AVR microcontrollers. Together, avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-libc form the heart of the Free Software toolchain for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers. They are further accompanied by.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 460.8 KB | Download (195): AVR Libc Download |
avrLab is an IDE (Integrated Devlopment Environment) for the AVR?*A* family of microcontroller from Atmel?*A* Currently it features an advanced editor with syntax highlighting for assembly language. tavrasm is supported as macro assembler and uisp is used for communication with the AVR?*A*.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 30.72 KB | Download (117): avrLab Download |
The Font Editor allows you to edit bitmap fonts that can be used to design Microcontroller-based systems. The program allows you to import Windows fonts and to save them in multiple formats. The program runs under Windows 9x/XP/7. Packed binary format allows you to reduce the size of.
Platforms: Windows
Whenever you lose your password, you have to install ROM or Factory Reset which means loss of data. But using this Android Multi Tools, you can bypass the password without losing the personal data on your phone or without any Flash ROM or Factory Reset. Why Download Android Multi Tools v1.02bThere are many Android applications, Android software, Android Drivers and Android Flash Tools to recover the data and solve the issues on the Android phone. Android Multi Tools v1.02b, as name, indicates that it has multiple uses, tons of special features, and much more advantages which are revealed step by step. In this article, I will explain you about Android Multi Tools v1.02b and How Android Multi Tools can be used to Fix problems on the Android phone. Android multi tools v1 02b driver download for pc.
License: Freeware | Size: 88 KB | Download (125): Font Editor Download |
ISP Programmer is a useful piece of software designed to support programming of Atmel microcontrollers 89Sxx ('51), ATtiny, ATmega and 90Sxx (AVR). It can erase built-in Flash and EEPROM memories as well as read and program them. ISP Programmer also supports serial Atmel DataFlash memories.
Platforms: Windows
License: Freeware | Download (47): ISP Programmer Download |
QB-Programmer (QBP) is a software tool that is used to erase, write, and verify programs on the target system or FA adapter, on which an NEC Electronics single-power-supply on chip flash memory microcontroller is mounted, by using the on-chip debug emulator with programming function QB-MINI2.
Platforms: Windows
License: Freeware | Download (75): QB Programmer Download |
Renesas Flash Programmer is programming software for a Renesas Electronics microcontroller with flash memory, which provides operations and functions specific to programming.Get Renesas Flash Programmer and take it for spin to fully assess its capabilities!
Platforms: Windows, Windows Vista, 7
License: Freeware | Download (43): Renesas Flash Programmer Download |
Spark Loader is a boot loader for AVR microcontrollers, it is used for programming flash and EEPROM using a serial link (USB to Serial converters can be used) between your computer and the microcontroller through any free COM (or USB) port. Spark Loader consists of two parts: 1. On - chip boot.
Platforms: Windows
License: Freeware | Size: 12.23 MB | Download (32): Spark Loader Download |
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AVaRICE is a program which interfaces the GNU Debugger GDB with the AVR JTAG ICE available from Atmel. Ford 600 manual free. There are some third party clones of the Atmel jtagice available for purchase via the web for prices much less than the Atmel's offering.
Platforms: *nix
License: Freeware | Size: 40.96 KB | Download (18): AVaRICE for Linux Download |
Mprog is a tool designed for programming microcontroller.At the moment it supports only Atmel AVR microcontrollerIt support read / write programm flash / eeprom.To file firmat are supported: binary & Intel hex.
Platforms: *nix
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License: Freeware | Size: 71.68 KB | Download (17): mprog Download |
USB-IR-Boy is an LIRC compatible home brew USB Infrared (IR) receiver based on the Motorola (Freescale) MC68HC908 microcontroller. The project includes electronic schematics, MCU code, and a lircd compatible kernel module.
Platforms: *nix
Free piano keyboard download for mac. Audio & Video tools downloads - Virtual Piano by Michael Dearworth and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Crescendo Music Notation Free for Mac v.1.74 Crescendo Free is a simple and intuitive way to create musical compositions. Crescendo allows you to create, save and print your music compositions on your Mac. Crescendo Free comes with a variety of notation symbols, key, and time signatures. Download yamaha keyboard music software for free. Multimedia tools downloads - One Man Band by JM Software and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Keyboard free download - Free Virtual Keyboard, Avro Keyboard, Arabic Keyboard, and many more programs. Best Video Software for the Mac How To Run MacOS High Sierra or Another OS on Your Mac. Keyboard Music translates the sounds of various instruments, such as a piano, a guitar, or even steel drums, to your PC keyboard so you can 'play' notes on each instrument.
License: Freeware | Size: 51.2 KB | Download (19): USB-IR-Boy Download |
Atanua is a real-time logic simulator designed for educational use. It has an intuitive, OpenGL accelerated user interface, with which the user can place components and wires. Components include all common logic blocks, including gates, latches and flipflops. Additionally Atanua simulates about.
Platforms: Windows, Mac, *nix
License: Shareware | Cost: $25.00 USD | Size: 1.87 MB | Download (798): Atanua Download |
Open vpn client for linux. Simulation Studio is an interactive, 3d robotics and microcontroller simulator for Windows, all in physics enabled virtual world. Studio comes standard with simulation models for the popular BOE-Bot robot from Parallax, Inc. as well as the entire BASIC Stamp 2 series of microcontrollers.Using the.
Platforms: Windows
License: Shareware | Cost: $99.95 USD | Size: 41.75 MB | Download (428): Simulation Studio Download |
Micro-IDE is a free C compiler for AVR microcontrollers, this compiler is intended to work with AVR micro controllers from ATMEL. The principle is to create assembler code from C code using micro-IDE studio and create assembler hex file to be loaded to the AVR chip using the free avr studio from.
Platforms: Windows
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License: Freeware | Size: 1.9 MB | Download (641): Micro-IDE Download |
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When building the USB mail notifier, I found this blog post describing how to build a tiny USB device that randomly turns the caps key on. One of my colleagues, Simon, particularly hates accidental caps presses, so much so that, he physically removed the key from his keyboard. This made him the ideal target for this joke.
The hardware required is very similar to the email notified I built. It is actually possible with a reprogram of the chip to use the same device. Vogelrok rct3 download for mac. However I want to make this small enough to be hidden.
As with all my projects I’m trying to avoid making PCBs or using surface mount devices. I’m sticking with stripboard and normal sized devices. I used the same vertical mount of inline components.
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I have removed the USB connector from an old memory stick and, although this is surface mount, the pins are spaced far enough apart to sit on a track each.
When all the parts a soldered and the chip is flashed I tested the device. It doesn’t seem to work on OS X, but fortunately it does on Windows.
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As for Simon, he was perplexed for about 40 minutes, but saw the funny side when he figured it out 🙂